9 Pillars

Paying Homage to the Buddha at TaiShan Mountain

During Vesak we construct a path of nine pillars, leading through our place of celebration to a main stage where we worship, and where our Master meditates for peace.

This is a path of contemplation and each pillar signifies important teachings of our faith.

We are often asked about the significance of the symbols and text on the pillars and here we would like to share with you the meaning of these symbols.

Each pillar carries the Moh Hong Buddhist Shrine logo and you will also find symbols in our logo repeated on some pillars. The logo represents many important beliefs.

Pillar One

国泰民安 may peace reign on this land

国法律条共遵守 to respect and obey the law of the land

安居乐业庆昇平 a safe and prosperous environment brings peace to all

Pillar Two

泰山参佛 paying homage to the Buddha at TaiShan Mountain (TaiShan Mountain [northern region in China] is culturally associated with spirituality)

泰然觉悟空虚界 self-composedly may you understand the meaning of emptiness

佛法真义大小乘 the essence of the Buddha’s teachings may be found in Mahayana and Theravada thoughts

Pillar Three

民风朴素 the simplicity of folkways

民族主義為大同 equality of all mankind

素齋修持誦彌陀 vegetarianism, diligent practice, focus on the Buddha’s teachings

Pillar Four

安定善修 practice diligently with a calm, stable and focused mind

安靜參禪成正果 quietly one practices meditation to realize the truth

修行只在深山中 figuratively: Deep in the mountain one finds peace to practise the teachings (Realization of the truth comes through abandonment of all worldly attachments)

Pillar Five

巫峰佛堂 Moh Hong Buddhist Shrine (name of the temple, which can be loosely translated as “peak of the Moh mountain”)

巫山台上佛自在 figuratively: Buddha resides on the Moh Mountain (The path to enlightenment is wrought with challenges both physical and mental, just like scaling the mountain)

堂座中央現如來 tathagata (one of the ten epithets of the Buddha, “thus come”) appears in the temple

Pillar Six

峰座修練 meditate and practise on the mountain peak

峰鋩獨露毘盧頂 an aura appears around your head

練習修身成正果 practise good conduct and realize the truth

Pillar Seven

佛光普照 the universal light of the Buddha radiates

佛在靈山莫遠求 the Buddha is within us, seek no further

照破魔王八萬城 figuratively: eliminating all the evil spirits around (the Buddha’s teachings illuminate immeasurable misconceptions)

Pillar Eight

堂務莊嚴 the temple is stately

堂堂大路好修行 the path to enlightenment is illuminated for all to embark

嚴失人身萬劫難 Figuratively: don’t waste this opportunity or face challenging consequences (waste not this opportunity to awaken your Buddha nature; persevere on your practice and not succumb to external mental and physical distractions)

Pillar Nine

慶祝教主聖誕紀念 celebrate the birth of the Buddha

慶人心與佛心同 celebrate the awakening of your Buddha nature within

念佛臨終見寳台 practise His teachings and reap the benefits in the next life