Master’s 2023 Vesak Message

what is right speech?

So often we hear about friends fighting because someone had said something that has offended someone else.

In the heat of the moment it is easy to blurt out whatever we feel. Often, in a state of anger, we say things just to spite the other person. Hit below the belt, as some would say.

Society encourages us to speak our minds. Unfortunately, if the mind is untrained and remains tainted with misconceptions and illusions, speaking our mind could sometimes cause pain and harm for ourself and others.

There is a Chinese saying that illnesses are often caused by what we eat, and problems are often caused by our speech.

Right Speech is not just about not telling lies or gossiping. It is about stating what is true, at the right time when it is beneficial to others.

Speech is such a common thing. Humans engage in it for nearly every waking moment. Even in our dream state, we dream about conversations we have with others. It is one action that we do often without thinking much about it.

Right Speech fundamentally is to uphold the 4 basic virtues of 1) not telling lies, 2) no divisive speech, 3) no abusive speech and 4) no idle chatter.

When you engage in lies, rude language, speaking ill to cause discord and engaging in mindless gossip, they only serve to distract your mind and create hardship for yourself and others around you.

While you may not feel it at that time of speaking, it will affect you and others down the road. Make an effort to control your harsh speech at all times, keep vigilant and stay away from idle talk, and be mindful not to lie.

Related in one sutra (Abhaya Sutta), The Buddha explains the factors that determine what is and is not worth saying. There are three:
whether or not a statement is true
whether or not it is beneficial, and
whether or not it is pleasing to others.

This virtue of right speech in different situations is thus based on its truth value, utility value and emotive content.

Here is an extract for you:

[1] In the case of words that the Tathagata knows to be unfactual, untrue, unbeneficial (or: not connected with the goal), unendearing and disagreeable to others, he does not say them.

[2] In the case of words that the Tathagata knows to be factual, true, unbeneficial, unendearing and disagreeable to others, he does not say them.

[3] In the case of words that the Tathagata knows to be unfactual, untrue, unbeneficial, but endearing and agreeable to others, he does not say them.

[4] In the case of words that the Tathagata knows to be factual, true, unbeneficial, but endearing and agreeable to others, he does not say them.

[5] In the case of words that the Tathagata knows to be factual, true, and beneficial, but unendearing and disagreeable to others, he has a sense of the proper time for saying them.

[6] In the case of words that the Tathagata knows to be factual, true, beneficial, and endearing and agreeable to others, he has a sense of the proper time for saying them. Why is that? Because the Tathagata has sympathy for living beings.”

The Buddha would only state those things that are true and beneficial. He would also have a sense of time for when pleasing and unpleasing things should be said. A false statement no matter how beneficial is not entertained.

I urge you to practice Right Speech. Right Speech is not just a step in the Eightfold Path, it has significance in cultivating the One Heart.


社会鼓励我们要勇于表达自己的意見和想法。同时,如果我们的思维未达到一定的历练,并且充满了各种对人生观的误解 ,我们的言语也将因此为他人和自己带来不必要的痛苦和伤害。正如谚语所说,病从口入,祸从口出。






[1] 关于那些如来知道是不真实、不真正、不有益(或:与目标无关)、不可爱和令人不悦的话语,他不说。
[2] 关于那些如来知道是真实、真正、不有益、不可爱和令人不悦的话语,他不说。
[3] 关于那些如来知道是真实、真正、有益但不可爱和令人不悦的话语,他有适当的时机来说。
[4] 关于那些如来知道是不真实、不真正、不有益但可爱和令人愉快的话语,他不说。
[5] 关于那些如来知道是真实、真正、不有益但可爱和令人愉快的话语,他不说。

[6] 关于那些如来知道是真实、真正、有益和可爱和令人愉快的话语,他有适当的时机来说。为什么?因为如来怜悯众生。



Master’s 2021 Deepavali Message

MHBS Deepavali 2021




虽然我们依旧无法面对面的交流,但我很开心能够这样子和大家连接 。希望大家下午都能收到,派给您和家人的黄姜饭。让我们在一起享受美食的同时,珍惜这顿饭带来的快乐,并与您周围的人一起庆祝屠妖节,一起祈福。

Deepavali is the second most important event on our Shrine’s calendar. In the Indian culture, this day represents good over evil. To us, it signifies the overcoming of our own evils of delusion and ignorance through an understanding of the truth. Our life is illuminated by the wisdom we develop as we journey along the Buddha’s path.

Follow the Way with your One Heart and help those around you. 

Let’s rejoice together on this meaningful day and pray for peace and health for all.

Although we are still unable to meet, I am delighted that we can connect via this platform and share the blessings through the food that is to be delivered to your home this very afternoon.

As we share a meal tonight, remember to cherish the joy it brings and share it with those around you.

Master’s 2021 Vesak Message

Finding Inner Peace in a Disconnected World 

Two years have passed, and the world remains disrupted. While economies have improved, it is not an easy journey ahead.

A person’s lifespan of 70-80 years is often filled with laughter, joy, sadness and pain. Every day can be an opportunity or a challenge, it depends on your heart. How we take each day as an opportunity to learn, or as an aimless day of routine, depends on our mind, our attitude.

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Without darkness there is no light. Without sadness there is no happiness.

There is no opportunity without challenge – such is the nature of our existence.

I urge you to view each day as a joyous opportunity to practice calming our heart and helping those around us. We can calm ourselves by seeking homage with the Buddha, finding solace in His compassion. At the same time, we must not forget those around us who may be in more difficult situations than us. We can pray for them, that they find peace and happiness on their journey. Be patient.

Put into practice the Buddha’s words in our daily life. Be it the basic practice of not wasting food or of meditating on emptiness. Take time to reflect and develop. Equalise your heart by treating everyone you meet as you would treat the Buddha. Be patient.





这都要看我们的内心。就像一幅画,好看不好看都被我们 “生活”的思维和态度影响。



迎接每一天的开始,我们应该练习佛陀的许许多多劝语 –从基本的生活小事开始- 不浪费食物到 沉思心经里的 “色 空,空 色,色 空,空 色”的道理。

时时刻刻要自我反省,训练一心。 就如我们对待佛陀一样的心, 互相尊重。学习成为更好的自己。


Master’s 2020 Vesak Message

晚安。 大家都好吗?



接下来大家一起一心向佛,把精神,注意力转向佛祖,发出菩堤心, 祈求世界和平,国泰明安,病情早日得到控制。

Good evening. I hope everyone is keeping well.

This year’s Vesak is very different. While we are unable to gather physically to mark this very important day, coming online offers its own benefit. We are able to reflect on this day in the comfort of your own home.

Please take care of yourselves during this pandemic. Be patient, remain calm. When the time is right, we will meet again.

Happy Vesak!

In the next hour or so, let us with one heart, place our concentration exclusively on the Buddha as we develop our bodhicitta through praying for global peace and containment of this pandemic.

Master’s 2019 Vesak Message


On the theme of Right Concentration, our Master further elaborated on its essence.

若你有一天遇见一位圣人,他有两样东西让你选一样, 你会选哪个?价值连城的金银珠宝或密宗正定的秘方?

Which would you choose when a holy man offers you only one item; a bag of precious gems, or the secret to right concentration?

要得正定一切都得靠你的心。 除了心以外,当然身行口言也必修。一切由你自己决定,是否要珍惜人生这一刻去修炼正定。

The Essence of right concentration stems from the heart. The motivation must come from you. It is only you who can and must make the effort to practice right concentration during your lifetime.



With the same “one heart” that I have taught you at the beginning of this series of discussion, you exercise mindfulness and focus single pointedly, while training your body and speech through the guidelines I have shared in your Member Guidebook.

Deeply steeped in determination and through single-pointed concentration you will gain deeper understanding of emptiness and the reality of life.

Mindfulness And Concentration

念念不忘,身心乃定。 一心念佛,即见如来。

Practice mindfulness and the mind naturally calms
With a calm mind, focus on the Buddha and He shall appear

在我们日常生活中,我们 都可以 练习正念。 每项任务都可以是愉快的或平凡的,一切由我们的角度去看。 如果你认为它是一件苦差事,它就会成为一件苦差事。 当你认为它很有乐趣时,它会给你带来快乐。 通过正确的态度,你可以谨慎地执行任务,训练你的思维以保持专注。 这将有助于你以后更深入地集中注意力。

Practice mindfulness as you go about your day. Every task can be enjoyable or mundane, its all up to your mind. If you perceive it as a chore, it becomes one. And when you think its enjoyable, it brings you joy. With the right frame of mind, you carry out your task mindfully, training your mind to remain focus. This will aid you in developing deeper concentration later.


Begin practicing with a simple mental focus on the image of the Buddha for 15 minutes each time. This is a good way for both young and old. Later on, you can use sutra/mantra as an object of concentration.


Right concentration eliminates all worries.

别再犹豫,立刻练习,训练你的注意力。 到了大限自日,你也不会手足无措。

Practice now, train your mind. When the end comes, you are prepared.

Master’s 2018 Vesak Message – Right Concentration

Right Meditation 正定

“When meditating, focus on the Buddha. In your heart, remember to put others before self. Nothing is inherently good and nothing is inherently bad, such is the emptiness of this existence.” Master, 2018


What is meditation? 静坐是什么?

Meditation is getting the mind to focus and become familiar, thoroughly, with a virtuous object such as the Buddha, concepts of emptiness, impermanence, compassion, renunciation.

静坐是指集中思绪,让心灵彻底认识象征纯洁的事物,如佛陀﹑“缘起性空” ﹑“无常”﹑“恻隐之心”与“舍弃”等概念。

There are two types of mediation – analytical and placement meditation.

静坐分为两类:分析性冥想 (analytical mediation) 和安置冥想 (placement meditation)。

We use analytical meditation to help us comprehend and develop deeper realisation of concepts. For example, one heart. You can meditate on why it’s important to have an one-heart. Everyone seeks happiness just like you. We all seek shelter from rain, food and water to quell our hunger and thirst. But yet we often think we deserve more than another person, or my happiness is more important than yours because I worked harder and longer. In reality, this is a wrong view. Everyone feels the same way like you. Because there are so many others, their happiness ought to be more important that one single individual you. You may argue you have family, but so do they. By sheer number, there are more others out there than there is one you, so on this basis, the happiness of others are more important than just your own. By looking at world this way, you can slowly shift your mindset to put others before self, and slowly treating them equally.

分析性冥想能够让我们理解并进一步意识到“一心”等诸多概念。 你可以通过静坐,探索拥有一心的重要性。人们都在寻找快乐﹑寻找避风港﹑寻找温饱。然而,我们却经常觉得自己比别人值得拥有更多,或认为因为自己比别人工作得更努力﹑更多,所以自己的快乐比他人的快乐重要。这其实是错误的理念。事实上,大家都有同样的想法。“我”只不过是渺小的个人,而“他”则是无数的他人,他人的快乐自然比自我的快乐来得重要。你可能反驳说自己有家人,但他人何尝没有?其它不谈,就论人数,你只不过是一个人,比起成千上万的他人,你的快乐,当然比不上他人的快乐。若以这个角度看待事物,你就可逐渐调整理念,以他人为先,平等对待他人。

We analytically meditate on this reasoning until the spontaneous feeling of warmness and the desire to want to practice treating everyone with one heart arises, we then meditate single pointedly on that sensation – this is placement meditation. We hold onto this practice for as long as we can, and when we lose it, we restart again going through analytical meditation and then placement meditation.

以此道理分析性冥想,直到你能够发自内心地感受到恻隐之心,以及一心公平对待每个人的热忱。这时,你将能一心一意针对这种感觉静坐,这就是所谓的“安置冥想”。尽量保持这种冥想状态 ,一旦失去了,我们则可重新开始分析性冥想,再达到安置冥想状态 。

Why meditate? 为何静坐?

The world you are familiar with is perceived through your brain. A good mind will perceive the external environment as blissful and loving. A poor mind perceives the same environment as being sad and unloving. The very same mind that perceives the world as friendly one day, may see it differently at another. Through training the mind, our view of our existence and the experiences that come along, begins to shift. Meditation is an important part of our practice.


Over the last few years, you have been introduced to some broad concepts of our shrine’s practices and philosophy. I tasked you to dwell on and practice these basic concepts of one heart, cherishment, mindfulness and right intentions. These practices are fundamental in developing right concentration which is my task for you over the next two years.


These concepts and thoughts I have shared are not necessarily sequential. You can and should revisit the earlier concepts even when new ones are introduced. Sometimes these new concepts could help you gain better understanding and insights to the earlier ones.


One heart in meditation 正定在一心中

We keep coming back to the one heart, because it is the axiom of the entire practice. The heart has to be impartial, without favouritism or prejudice. It is through this single pointedness of heart that you practice right meditation. Likewise through right concentration, you will develop the right understanding of one heart. They are interrelated, one reinforcing the other.


To put it simply, you first focus your mind single pointedly on the Buddha, visualise Him and not have other thought interfere. If they appear, simply let them pass. Keep meditating on this for as long as you can. If you lose visual, don’t panic, just step back and restart. The mind, like many other parts of your body, needs practice. As a child, your teacher taught you to write and you kept practicing until one day you are able to firmly hold your pencil and write neatly. The mind is no different. It needs to be trained. But alas, we often allow our mind to dwell on non-virtuous thoughts like critiquing others, rather than self-reflection or developing right concentration.


Meditate to understand why you should train to have only ”one heart“. It is through an impartial heart, the one that treats everyone equally, no biases, no hidden agenda, no special interests, that you can single-pointedly begin to understand the true nature of this existence – and perceive emptiness. You may understand emptiness intellectually, but only through meditation on emptiness will you gain a deeper realisation.


“With a mindful, cherishing, single pointed heart that harbours good intention, we meditate on emptiness so that we can gain a true realisation and understanding of this existence.”


Master’s 2017 Vesak Message – Mindfulness


Master reiterated that mindfulness is about being aware of the present moment; conscious of the action you are performing, the things you are saying, and thoughts running through your mind. For example, when you are preparing a meal, you must be mindful of the sharp edges of the knives and scissors as you use them. You do not let your mind wonder or when you not mindful, you could slice your finger. When that happens you become aware of disconnect between your mind and your body; you are quickly brought back to awareness, back to the very present moment. Don’t wait till accidents happen before you become aware. In the same way, being mindful is important in our daily life.

师父再次重申正念是让你意识到当下的事物;对所做出的言行举动,思想活动有所认知。例如当你在做饭时,你会注意到菜刀和剪刀的锋利,因此会小心使用。你不会让自己出神,而是专心切菜,避免切伤手指。 反之,当你开始出神,你已经脱离对当下环境的认知,而在受伤后,你因感觉到痛处而又迅速地回到当下。不要等到意外发生后才有所觉悟。同样的,正念在我们的日常生活中尤其重要。

We can be extremely mindful when we pay a game of cards, but that is not the mindfulness we want to develop. What the Buddha wants us to do as we practice right mindfulness is to train our mind to be in the present moment, aware of our actions, speech and thoughts non-judgmentally. This is part of the training of gaining insight and wisdom.


Being present in the moment is increasingly difficult in this day and age. Many of us go about our daily routine without thinking. We continue to divorce our mind from the present moment with lots of gadgets, games, social media, and entertainment programs that we carry on our phone. We forget that there is so much to learn in every step we take on journey through life. Before we know it, we are at a critical point and what have we done?


Be aware of the cloudiness of our mind and its fleeting and shifting nature. It is never quiet nor at peace, constantly seeking to find happiness through external gratification from material gain; which never fulfills. True happiness comes from the mind; remember that contentment is the greatest wealth. I urge you to practice mindfulness, develop a mind that is always aware of the present moment, of our actions, speech and thoughts. There is no later in life, do it now.

我们无法静下心来,一直通过追逐外在物质享受来满足心灵上的空虚。我们没有意识到思想中的激流其实是浑浊红尘中的过眼云烟。真正的快乐来自我们的心。请记住,知足才是真正的财富,这是放之四海而皆准的普遍真理。 我吁请大家修习正念冥想,开启你对当下事物的认知,一直意识到当下的环境,言行举止,思想思维。日月逝矣,岁不我与。 我们必须今天就决定培养对当下的觉知,今天就开始修习。

As we develop our mind through right concentration, our understanding of the true nature of our existence will become increasingly clear; you will achieve a higher state of awareness and understanding of the true nature of life.


Practice and apply mindfulness to your daily actions, speech and thought. Stop the fleeting mind and listen to your own footstep, your own breath, your own speech and your thoughts. Is this how you want to lead for the remainder of your life? Right mindfulness and cherishing with a one heart, they would help you to slowly unleash your understanding of the concept of emptiness as you journey on the Way.


Master’s 2016 Vesak Message – Mindfulness

Developing Mindfulness

When asked to advice on cultivating mindfulness, our Master replies as such:
“Developing the One Heart is a part of it… The heart is key. If the heart is not calm, how do u achieve mindfulness?

Buddha heart

If you recall, having a one heart suggests you treat every being the same – regardless whether they are your relative, friend, stranger, or enemy. You use the same attitude and mindset towards everyone. The simplest way is to treat everyone with the same heart that you have when paying your respect to the Buddha. Think of the feeling and attitude that you adopt and extend that to others as well.

Why shouldn’t we? After all, the Buddha was once like us. He walked the earth and experienced the same joy, pain, happiness, and sadness just like us. The person you meet could well be a Buddha. In fact everyone can be a Buddha, we all have the Buddha nature within us – our pure essence. This Buddha nature however has been encrusted by layers of karma from eons of past actions, shaping us into who we are today. When we begin to see everyone as just a pure receptacle of Buddha nature, and their present behavior and attitude as merely a resultant of their past karma maturing, our attitude begins to change. We become more understanding of their mistakes and less quick to judge. We begin to treat everyone more equitably. Eventually, we will begin to treat and cherish everyone just like your loved ones, with the same wholeheartedness and tolerance.

Chanting as one voice

You have all been learning new chants over the past few years. In the beginning, everyone struggles to get the pitch and timing right. Everyone shares a similar attitude and intention of wanting to chant in unison, to show our respect of the Buddha and remind ourselves of his teachings. We stop to help others who had difficulty learning the pronunciation, the pitch, the rhythm regardless of who they are. You don’t ostracize or get upset with those that cannot chant properly but made the effort to stop to help one another. As you practice, the chanting improves. You eventually learn that chanting in unison is about listening carefully to one another for pitch and rhythm, and helping one another. The chanting improves when everyone shares not only the same pitch, rhythm but also the same attitude and heart.

Emptiness is the crux

One Heart is like that; it involves you using the same mindset and attitude towards everyone. No difference, no exception. This is how you seek harmony and calmness in your life’s journey. Developing the One Heart takes time, it is not an overnight task. The crux of the One Heart lies the concept that form is emptiness and emptiness is form.
To develop this understanding and internalize the concept of emptiness, training on mindfulness is necessary. Developing this understanding is like chipping away the crust formed from eons of karmic buildup around the heart. To chip this crust away, there are many tools for the job, a hammer, a chisel, a drill. As tools are just tools, they are only means to an end. Mindfulness can be viewed as one of the many tools in helping to unveil and internalize the concept of emptiness through the meditative process.

Mindfully present

Mindfulness is training your mind to be aware of the present moment. It is about now. Being engaged at the present moment and not the future or the past. We all tend to dwell on what happened in the past and consumed by what is about to happen in the future that we often forget about the present moment. I challenge you to embrace the present moment from today on.
With mindfulness, you will become more aware of potential pitfalls and harmful circumstances that could result from your ill intended speech, action and mind. Right mindfulness is about having the correct awareness of the present. You channel the right energy, focus on the virtuous and not the non-virtuous factors.

Practicing Mindfulness

There are many ways of training in mindfulness. You have been taught the basic of meditation. Continue this practice by focusing on emptiness, while remembering to cherish others with a One Heart. This would eventually calm your mind to appreciate that the essence of the One Heart is emptiness as explained in the Heart Sutra. As you embark on your journey on the Way, practice mindfulness, and remember to focus with the right intentions. As you practice, you become increasingly aware of your action, speech, and mind. The Heart is key – a One Heart is calm and mindful.


“培养“一心” 是修习正念的一部分…。人心是重点。如果心不定,如何能做到正念。”


培养“一心” 就是对待万物都能一视同仁、不偏不倚。无论是亲戚、 朋友,还是陌生人或敌人,都应该平等对待,以同样的态度和心态去对待每一个人。最简单的方法就是以膜拜佛陀时的诚心来对待所有人。







正念是磨炼你的心境,让你意识到当下的事物及培养当下的觉知。你要活在当下,而不是沉迷于过去或未来的种种。我们往往会被过去发生的事束缚,并被将来可能发生的事困扰,而常常忘记了活在当下的重要性。今天就接受挑战,时刻活在当下吧! 学习修行正念,你更能意识到恶意的言论、行为和思想如何造成潜在的危险和有损利益的情况。正念就是对当下有正确的认知。你发挥正确的能量,聚精会神、全神贯注把注意力集中在善念之上,而不是损人不利己的恶念上。



一心是关键 — —一心是拥有一颗平静及正念的心。

Master’s 2015 Vesak Message – 50th Anniversary

This year marks the fiftieth anniversary for Moh Hong Buddhist Shrine. We asked our Master to share with us her thoughts on this milestone and her theme of “With one heart, we cherish The Way” (一心珍惜正道).

今年,巫峰佛堂将迎来建立50周年庆典。为此我们尊请师父分享迈入重大的里程碑和今年主题 :一心珍惜正道的想法和心得。

On this, she says: “Fifty years is hard to come by. Many of you have been travelling with me on this journey; walking alongside each other for this time. We should cherish(珍惜)this moment; cherish this opportunity, cherish our journey on “the Way (正道)” with the one heart (一心).


Eight years ago, many of you asked to learn more about our philosophy, so I decided to share the crux of the Middle Way by working bits and bites of philosophy into Vesak. The concept of “theme” that was developed each year was the start of my lessons for you.


I taught you to train yourself by first taming your heart – to balance your heart, to treat everyone, including the Buddha, with the same “heart”. My example to you was that one should not treat family any different from non-family.

我教大家,要训练自己,就必须先修心 – 让自己的心平衡,不管是佛或众生,皆以平等心待之。我给大家举了个例子,就是我们对待家人和外人,态度做法都必须一致无二。

When you begin to accept this fundamental value and abandon the attitude of treating people differently; the journey begins. While I did not expect you to achieve this one heart over just one Vesak, planting this seed of thought into you was sufficient so you may continue to train yourself while learning the next quality – that of cherishment.

如果你开始接受这一基本的道理,不再以不同的态度分别对待不同的人,那你已经开始自己的学佛之旅了。当然,我并不期望大家在一个卫塞节内就了解一心的真谛。不过,只要种下佛理的种子,你就能继续自我训练修习下一步 – 珍惜。

Cherishment is another fundamental value that we must all cultivate before we can begin to appreciate the greater details that is contained within The Way (i.e. the Middle Way).


It is with the value of cherishment, embodied within a singular heart, that we can begin to appreciate the nature of this life. And from mindfulness through the practice of meditation, we begin to unravel the true nature of this being. Understanding that form and non-form (emptiness) are not separate opposing ends, but are of the same thing. Form is emptiness and emptiness is form.


Such duality is the underlying nature of the five shankas (五蕴), or aggregates, that make up what we perceive as, the physical “being”–i.e. form, feelings, perception, violations, and consciousness.


In 2012 Vesak, the theme was The Way and you learnt about mediation, meditating on the concept of non-self.


So this year, being our 50th year, it would be most apt for us to regroup what we have learnt so far, and I offer to you this theme to dwell on. “With the one heart, we cherish The Way”. Through the values of the one heart and cherishment we can begin to understand the Middle Way.


Starting this Vesak, and for the 365 days that follow, I hope you will continue to reflect on this. I have selected a new chant – “The Heart Sutra” (心经) for you to learn and appreciate this fundamental nature of being – that of the duality within the five aggregates.


Happy Vesak 2015.


Master’s 2014 Vesak Message – Right Intention

Last year we talked about right thought or right intention being made up of three types – renunciation, good will and harmlessness. These counter those intentions of desires, ill will and harmfulness.

去年,我们谈到的正思维分为三种- 克己,善意和无害。与欲望之念,恶意和危害性的意图是对抗的。

Before we take an action, we need to be aware of our intention, be it good or bad. When a bad intention arises, what should we do? Likewise with a good intention, what should we to do?


Towards right intention through mindfulness

Taking small steps

When you are aware that your intention belongs to the harmful kind, you should not suppress the feeling but confront it with the right understanding. To cultivate this mindfulness, begin with small things. As they say, take small steps. For example, before you start ordering food at a dinner gathering, think about the intention behind each order that you make. Understand what is driving you to order that particular dish/dishes – how much of your intention is driven by a desire for new taste/experiences and how much is the fundamental need for food/hunger.




Be aware of your own intentions as you order, question if that is really a need or a want. Do you need that dish? Does it satisfy your basic need for food? What value does it bring to the dining experience? Could it be a case of over indulgence? Don’t get me wrong, we often reward ourself or the family with a new tastes and nice things, and that is fine as long as we are aware of our intentions.


You can also do the same with snacks. Before putting a piece of cookie into your mouth, think about how much of that was driven by a need (hunger) and how much of it is driven by a want. Do you really need it, ask yourself. Here, you are not suppressing your desire for a snack but giving yourself a chance to stop, look at the desire and understand where its coming from, before taking the action. Once you begin to understand your ‘source’ of the intention and motivation for a particular action, right understanding and view will kick in to guide you through the next step – eat that cookie or put it back into the jar.

我们也可以在未吃零食前做同样的分析。在还没把饼干放进嘴里,想想这行动是出发于基本需求(饥饿)或是被一种欲望驱动着(口感好,觉得开心)。但你真的需要吃这饼干吗?同样,这不是在压抑你吃零食的欲望 ,只是给自己一个机会思考,明白了欲望的出发点后再适当行动。一旦你开始了解行动的“原”意图和动机的特定思维,有了正确的理解和观点,将能指导你采取下一步动作 — 就是把饼干吃了或是把它放回瓶子里。

As you go through this basic approach, you will begin to become more aware of your own actions and desires. It will become second nature to you, so much that eventually you will be able to substitute and even abandon these unwholesome intentions with wholesome ones, guided by right view and understanding.

当你通过这个基本的方式去考量行为,你将会开始对自己的行为和欲望有更深刻的了解。成为你的第二本性,通过正观,最终将取代不良欲望, 甚至放弃。

Taking a bolder step

Through baby steps comes the run. Another way of increasing your mindfulness of decisions and intentions is through meditation. The mind is a powerful instrument and science is only now starting to unravel its mystery. Don’t expect overnight miracles. Meditation is a long process, although one could almost immediately feel its positive impact on the first seating. Remember how calm you’ve become during the meditation? Give your brain a rest, instead of five to fifteen minutes of media overload spend that time to reflect quietly, with a one heart.



去年,我们谈到的正思维分为三种- 克己,善意和无害。与欲望之念,恶意和危害性的意图是对抗的。





我们也可以在未吃零食前做同样的分析。在还没把饼干放进嘴里,想想这行动是出发于基本需求(饥饿)或是被一种欲望驱动着(口感好,觉得开心)。但你真的需要吃这饼干吗?同样,这不是在压抑你吃零食的欲望 ,只是给自己一个机会思考,明白了欲望的出发点后再适当行动。一旦你开始了解行动的“原”意图和动机的特定思维,有了正确的理解和观点,将能指导你采取下一步动作 — 就是把饼干吃了或是把它放回瓶子里。

当你通过这个基本的方式去考量行为,你将会开始对自己的行为和欲望有更深刻的了解。成为你的第二本性,通过正观,最终将取代不良欲望, 甚至放弃。

