Healing Appointments

On the days that our Shrine is open, healing is by appointment only. Appointments can be made online.

Water & Other Items

Water requires 10 days preparation and can be ordered online. One of our volunteers will contact you.

Vesak 2023 – Guest Post – Emily

Vesak Day holds profound significance in my family’s life. It is a momentous occasion that encapsulates the essence of peace, compassion, and spiritual awakening.

As we immerse ourselves in the celebrations and volunteer our time to facilitate the event, we are always reminded of the noble teachings of Buddha, whose wisdom and enlightenment continue to guide humanity towards harmony and enlightenment.

Personally, Vesak Day serves as a time for reflection, spiritual growth, and coming together as a community to honour the Buddha’s teachings. Furthermore, it inspires me to contribute positively to the world, fostering a more compassionate and enlightened society.

Emily Poh

Vesak 2023 – Guest Post -Liang

Vesak began this year with a blessing of the site by our Spiritual Master on Sunday. It felt like it was yesterday that we had our last Vesak celebration together, in 2019. Four years have passed we have celebrated Vesak on this scale.

This is possibly not unique to our community, as many other religious societies have or are still going through the same, since the pandemic hit us all equally. Some were perhaps more fortunate to have their own place to call home, while we continue to raise funds to find land and have our own place for the community.

The fund raising effort has made harder by our fund raising philosophy centering strictly around the laws of karma. anyway, but i am excited that the government in Singapore has introduced the balloting process instead of bidding. A small society like ours could finally get a chance of some sort. But, that is a theme for another blog.

A stark image this Vesak is the agedness of our community. As our time on this earth wears on, so does our body. The natural process of our ageing, made more visible by the social separation caused by the pandemic

Our Buddhist Society is made up entirely of volunteers. From the erection of the structures on a tempoary site to hold the paraphernalia and objects of offering, to the chanters and the food preparation to feed these selfless volunteers and friends and public who drop in for a visit…. each year, for the last 4 decades, volunteers have come together as one to build a temporary home for the community to gather and pay homage to the Buddha for His teachings and blessings.

i am thankful for being a part of this special community. I am thankful for the dharma lessons as I journey through life with this community. And I am thankful for the Buddha’s and our Spiritual Master’s teachings and compassion.


Master’s 2023 Vesak Message

what is right speech?

So often we hear about friends fighting because someone had said something that has offended someone else.

In the heat of the moment it is easy to blurt out whatever we feel. Often, in a state of anger, we say things just to spite the other person. Hit below the belt, as some would say.

Society encourages us to speak our minds. Unfortunately, if the mind is untrained and remains tainted with misconceptions and illusions, speaking our mind could sometimes cause pain and harm for ourself and others.

There is a Chinese saying that illnesses are often caused by what we eat, and problems are often caused by our speech.

Right Speech is not just about not telling lies or gossiping. It is about stating what is true, at the right time when it is beneficial to others.

Speech is such a common thing. Humans engage in it for nearly every waking moment. Even in our dream state, we dream about conversations we have with others. It is one action that we do often without thinking much about it.

Right Speech fundamentally is to uphold the 4 basic virtues of 1) not telling lies, 2) no divisive speech, 3) no abusive speech and 4) no idle chatter.

When you engage in lies, rude language, speaking ill to cause discord and engaging in mindless gossip, they only serve to distract your mind and create hardship for yourself and others around you.

While you may not feel it at that time of speaking, it will affect you and others down the road. Make an effort to control your harsh speech at all times, keep vigilant and stay away from idle talk, and be mindful not to lie.

Related in one sutra (Abhaya Sutta), The Buddha explains the factors that determine what is and is not worth saying. There are three:
whether or not a statement is true
whether or not it is beneficial, and
whether or not it is pleasing to others.

This virtue of right speech in different situations is thus based on its truth value, utility value and emotive content.

Here is an extract for you:

[1] In the case of words that the Tathagata knows to be unfactual, untrue, unbeneficial (or: not connected with the goal), unendearing and disagreeable to others, he does not say them.

[2] In the case of words that the Tathagata knows to be factual, true, unbeneficial, unendearing and disagreeable to others, he does not say them.

[3] In the case of words that the Tathagata knows to be unfactual, untrue, unbeneficial, but endearing and agreeable to others, he does not say them.

[4] In the case of words that the Tathagata knows to be factual, true, unbeneficial, but endearing and agreeable to others, he does not say them.

[5] In the case of words that the Tathagata knows to be factual, true, and beneficial, but unendearing and disagreeable to others, he has a sense of the proper time for saying them.

[6] In the case of words that the Tathagata knows to be factual, true, beneficial, and endearing and agreeable to others, he has a sense of the proper time for saying them. Why is that? Because the Tathagata has sympathy for living beings.”

The Buddha would only state those things that are true and beneficial. He would also have a sense of time for when pleasing and unpleasing things should be said. A false statement no matter how beneficial is not entertained.

I urge you to practice Right Speech. Right Speech is not just a step in the Eightfold Path, it has significance in cultivating the One Heart.


社会鼓励我们要勇于表达自己的意見和想法。同时,如果我们的思维未达到一定的历练,并且充满了各种对人生观的误解 ,我们的言语也将因此为他人和自己带来不必要的痛苦和伤害。正如谚语所说,病从口入,祸从口出。






[1] 关于那些如来知道是不真实、不真正、不有益(或:与目标无关)、不可爱和令人不悦的话语,他不说。
[2] 关于那些如来知道是真实、真正、不有益、不可爱和令人不悦的话语,他不说。
[3] 关于那些如来知道是真实、真正、有益但不可爱和令人不悦的话语,他有适当的时机来说。
[4] 关于那些如来知道是不真实、不真正、不有益但可爱和令人愉快的话语,他不说。
[5] 关于那些如来知道是真实、真正、不有益但可爱和令人愉快的话语,他不说。

[6] 关于那些如来知道是真实、真正、有益和可爱和令人愉快的话语,他有适当的时机来说。为什么?因为如来怜悯众生。



Vesak 2023 Vegetarian Timing

Here’s a cheat sheet on minimum vegetarian timing for our Vesak celebration this year.

For morning meditation, lighting of oil lamps and Seet Goh, it is 11pm the day before.

For Kwan Teng, healings and blessings, and presentation of Ten Treasures, it is 3 days prior.

If you have friends or family coming to the Gala Dinner (or any time over the five days), we will once again have a prayer and contemplation area for non-vegetarians. If they would like to enter the central spine to walk the Lotus Path ( nine pillars) and light an oil lamp, they will need to have been vegetarian since 11pm the day before.
The dates and times for the various events are in the image.

Online registration for the Gala Dinner, Kwan Teng and fruit and flower bags is still open online at https://near.tl/mhbs2023/order.html







Vesak 2023 Programme

節目表 Programme
二〇二三年五月二十九日至六月二日 (29 May to 2 June 2023)

每日上午八時開始: 清晨冥想 (須齋戒一天)
8.00am (Daily): Meditation (Please observe 1 day vegetarian diet).

上午九時至晚間十時三十分: 啟建清供,祈求世界和平、國泰民安。接受禮佛、點燈、供奉花菓
9.00am to 10.30pm: Chanting of prayers for peace and harmony. Lighting of oil lamps, offering of fruits and flowers is allowed.

五月二十九日及五月三十日 (29 & 30 May 2023)

晚間九時開始: 光讚地藏十王寶灯
9.00pm: Oil Lamp Procession

五月三十一日 (31 May 2023)

晚間七時三十分開始: 賜醫驅邪
7.30pm: Healing

六月一日 (1 June 2023)

上午十時至中午十二時: 賜醫驅邪
10.00am to 12pm: Healing

下午二時三十分開始: 十献科儀
2.30pm: Presentation of “TEN TREASURES”

晚間七時三十分開始: 賜醫驅邪
7.30pm: Healing

晚間七時四十五分: 貴賓抵步
7.45pm: Arrival of VIPs

晚間八時正: 素宴開始
8.00pm: Vegetarian Dinner

六月二日 (2 June 2023)

下午一時至五時: 設放瑜伽燄口
1.00pm to 5.00pm: Deliverance of recently deceased and wandering souls

晚間八時至九時十五分: 稱頌教主佛號儀式,歡迎本堂善伩攜眷及親友出席參加
8.00pm to 9.15pm: Mass prayer session for all devotees. Family members and friends are welcome to join the prayers.

晚間九時三十分: 發還生果
9.30pm: Collection of fruits and flowers upon completion of thanks giving prayers.

Same location, 35 years ago

Vesak 2023

Our Vesak celebration this year will be at the open field next to the old Thomson CC (currently under renovation) on Upper Thomson Rd. It will be held over 5 days, from Monday 29th May to Friday 2nd June.

We were last at this site some 35 years ago! It is directly across the road from the Upper Thomson Rd site we used in 2018.

Our theme for this year is Right Speech.

We will post updates in the coming weeks such as public transport routes, vegetarian dates for events and the healing schedule.

If you won’t be at the Shrine for the final opening this Sunday (14th May), you can arrange fruit bags, oil lamp procession and Gala Dinner places online

今年的卫塞节庆典即将在旧汤申俱乐部 (新的正在建设中)旁边的场地举办。从5月29日星期一到6月2日星期五。我们上次来到这个场地欢庆卫塞节已经是35年前了!它就在我们2018年使用的Upper Thomson Rd场地的对面。



如果您在这个来临的星期日(5月14日 ) 不会前来佛堂,您可以透过以下网址预定/购买水果礼包,油灯,晚宴的门票


Opening Dates 2023

There will not be chant practice at the Shrine this Sunday and we will also be closed on Sunday 16th April.

We will reopen on Sunday 23rd for healing and blessings. Updated dates are in our healing registration form: https://forms.gle/DvGh1ZGu1DY39deZ8 

The next chant practice will be on Sunday 30th April.

This shifts our calendar by one week. You can see the changes here: https://mohhong.org/events/

The final opening before Vesak is Sunday 7th May and this is also the date of our AGM. Personal tangal blessing will still take place on Sunday 14th May.









Deepavali 2022

We are excited to be able to get together once again, and this year we will be holding our Deepavali celebration in Pontian on Monday, 24th October.

We ask that you pre-register if you would like to attend. You can do this at the Shrine during our regular Sunday openings or by using this Google form.

Please register your attendance even if you do not require bus transport or fruit & flower bags.


There will be a buffet breakfast and lunch. Prayers and blessings from Master will be conducted throughout the day (10am – 4pm).

For everyone’s safety and health we ask for masks on inside the Shrine where possible.


We will have chartered buses leaving from Ang Mo Kio at 7am and from Pontian at 3pm. The cost for the return journey is $20. Seats can be booked using the above Google form.

Those coming by car, please let us know if you have excess capacity and are able to help with members who may not be physically able to take the bus.


Fruit & flower bags are $30 and can be ordered using the above Google form.


For anyone who would like to start the day in Malaysia on Monday, the Shrine is open on Sunday 23rd. We would welcome assistance with the preparations.

If you are making your own way to the Shrine on Sunday but would like to take one of our chartered buses home on Monday, please let us know and we will try to match you to empty seats.


If you need more details about our Deepavali event, please contact Alice – 9834 5569


如果您有意参加2022年屠妖节活动,请您预先注册,您可以在探访佛堂的时候向我们注册,或是使用此链接: https://forms.gle/xXhfajyRtzxVRz6y8 进行您的线上注册,所有有意参与笨珍的屠妖节活动,请务必注册。

  1. 1. 活动详情
  2. 2. 交通
    *佛堂安排的巴士将在Ang Mo Kia早上7am出发,及从笨珍3pm回程。来回的交通费用为$20, 有意预定巴士服务的佛友们请透过google form进行注册。
  3. 3. 水果与鲜花
    水果鲜花礼包($30),您可以透过google form链接预购。
  4. 4. 笨珍佛堂开放时间
  5. 5. 其他详情
    *如果您有任何的疑问,请联络Alice – 98345569

Opening Dates 2022

Just a reminder that the Shrine will not be open this Sunday. Master is on retreat for the 7th month and our next opening is Sunday, 28th August. Opening dates for the rest of the year are on our website here: https://mohhong.org/events/
