節目表 Programme
二〇二三年五月二十九日至六月二日 (29 May to 2 June 2023)
每日上午八時開始: 清晨冥想 (須齋戒一天)
8.00am (Daily): Meditation (Please observe 1 day vegetarian diet).
上午九時至晚間十時三十分: 啟建清供,祈求世界和平、國泰民安。接受禮佛、點燈、供奉花菓
9.00am to 10.30pm: Chanting of prayers for peace and harmony. Lighting of oil lamps, offering of fruits and flowers is allowed.
五月二十九日及五月三十日 (29 & 30 May 2023)
晚間九時開始: 光讚地藏十王寶灯
9.00pm: Oil Lamp Procession
五月三十一日 (31 May 2023)
晚間七時三十分開始: 賜醫驅邪
7.30pm: Healing
六月一日 (1 June 2023)
上午十時至中午十二時: 賜醫驅邪
10.00am to 12pm: Healing
下午二時三十分開始: 十献科儀
2.30pm: Presentation of “TEN TREASURES”
晚間七時三十分開始: 賜醫驅邪
7.30pm: Healing
晚間七時四十五分: 貴賓抵步
7.45pm: Arrival of VIPs
晚間八時正: 素宴開始
8.00pm: Vegetarian Dinner
六月二日 (2 June 2023)
下午一時至五時: 設放瑜伽燄口
1.00pm to 5.00pm: Deliverance of recently deceased and wandering souls
晚間八時至九時十五分: 稱頌教主佛號儀式,歡迎本堂善伩攜眷及親友出席參加
8.00pm to 9.15pm: Mass prayer session for all devotees. Family members and friends are welcome to join the prayers.
晚間九時三十分: 發還生果
9.30pm: Collection of fruits and flowers upon completion of thanks giving prayers.
Same location, 35 years ago