Vesak Celebrations 2024

Time flies. We are in the lead-up to Vesak once again!

Our Vesak 2024 celebration will be in the same open field as last year, next to the old Thomson CC on Upper Thomson Road (currently undergoing construction), from Saturday, 18th May to Wednesday, 22nd May.

Our theme for this year is Right Speech.

There is a handy cheat-sheet to the events on each day attached to this message. Key dates are:

18 & 19 May: Oil Lamp Procession

20 & 21 May: Healing/Blessing

21 May: Presentation of Ten Treasures & Gala Dinner

22 May: Vesak Day: All day prayers, Seet Kor, and Mass Prayer in the evening.


我们2024年的卫塞节庆祝活动将与去年一样,我们将在 旧汤申俱乐部 (新的正在建设中)旁边的场地举办卫塞节庆典。活动从星期六,5月18日持续到星期三,5月22日。


5月18日和19日:光讚地藏十王寳燈 (光灯)

5月20日和5月21日:賜醫驅邪 (赐医,加持仪式)


5月22日:卫塞节祈福,設放瑜伽燄口(施孤)和 晚上的《稱頌教主佛號儀式》

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