Master’s 2024 Vesak Speech: The Four Virtues of Right Speech

The Four Virtues of Right Speech

On these four virtues of 1) not telling lies, 2) no divisive speech, 3) no abusive speech and 4) no idle chatter, we asked our Master for further clarification. She replied with two examples.

Example 1: Do not tell tales/lies

A mother is suffering from a terminal illness. Her daughter is with her when the doctor shares the news. However, not wanting to put emotional burden on the dad and rest of the family, the mother and daughter decide not to disclose the diagnosis from the doctor. How would you advise them?

Our Master explains:

First, let us delve into the reasons behind the reluctance of the mother and daughter to share the doctor’s diagnosis with the dad and the rest of the family. What fears or concerns underlie their decision? Is it a question of the dad’s emotional resilience, or perhaps the potential upheaval within the family dynamic? Understanding these nuances is crucial before proceeding.

Indeed, we must discern whether the dad is emotionally and physically equipped to handle such news. Is he in a stable state to process and cope with the gravity of the situation? Similarly, what are the potential ramifications within the family if the diagnosis is revealed? Are there risks of discord or distress that could arise?

In recognizing these circumstances, we acknowledge the unfolding of karma, bringing the family together in this moment of joy and sorrow. Life is a tapestry of joy and pain, with impermanence weaving through every thread. Accepting this impermanence is paramount to our spiritual growth.

Right speech transcends mere truth-telling; it encompasses the considerations of utility and emotional impact, as well as the timing of our words. Even a truthful statement must be weighed against these factors before being spoken.

In truth, the mother is grappling with a terminal illness—a fact with both utility and emotional weight. Sharing this reality can foster understanding and empathy within the family, allowing them to support her through her journey. However, disclosing such news prematurely or to those unprepared may exacerbate the situation.

The emotional resonance of this truth reverberates not only within the immediate family but also among her extended relatives and friends. It reshapes their perceptions and expectations of her future, invoking feelings of sorrow and adjustment.

With this understanding, we must discern the appropriateness of sharing this information with each individual and gauge the right moment for doing so. For the dad, if his health or emotional well-being is fragile, withholding the news temporarily may be prudent, waiting for a more opportune time. As for the children and siblings, the decision to disclose depends on the potential benefits to them and their readiness to receive such news.

In essence, the principle of right speech guides us to speak truthfully, yet with discernment and compassion, considering the welfare and readiness of both speaker and listener.

Example 2: Do not gossip

Someone within our Shrine community has been diagnosed with cancer and, as often happens, the news ripples through our circle. Concerned volunteers begin exchanging information—details about the individual, their circumstances, and the challenges faced by their family, including the husband’s struggles with heart problems and depression.

In their compassion, some members feel compelled to gather and visit the afflicted individual, to offer comfort and support. They approach our Master seeking guidance on their intentions.

In response, our Master offers this wisdom:

Upon hearing news, whether it be factual or mere hearsay, we are tasked with a responsibility before we utter a single word. If the information comes directly from the individual involved, our first step must be to seek their explicit consent before sharing it further. Respecting their autonomy and privacy is paramount, regardless of the nature of the information.

However, if the news is merely hearsay, we must refrain from entertaining it altogether. It is not our place to perpetuate unverified information. Instead, we should gently remind the bearer of such news about the importance of verification and consent before spreading potentially sensitive information. By doing so, we prevent the propagation of gossip that could have unintended and negative consequences.

In this particular case, the well-intentioned visitation plans of our Shrine members could inadvertently burden the afflicted family further. Our actions, though driven by compassion, must be tempered by prudence and mindfulness of the potential impacts on those we seek to support.














实际上正在发生信息是 ‘母亲正面临绝症’。








“谁、发生了什么事、多么伤心及可怜 、她的先生患有心脏病和忧郁症。”







Vesak Celebrations 2024

Time flies. We are in the lead-up to Vesak once again!

Our Vesak 2024 celebration will be in the same open field as last year, next to the old Thomson CC on Upper Thomson Road (currently undergoing construction), from Saturday, 18th May to Wednesday, 22nd May.

Our theme for this year is Right Speech.

There is a handy cheat-sheet to the events on each day attached to this message. Key dates are:

18 & 19 May: Oil Lamp Procession

20 & 21 May: Healing/Blessing

21 May: Presentation of Ten Treasures & Gala Dinner

22 May: Vesak Day: All day prayers, Seet Kor, and Mass Prayer in the evening.


我们2024年的卫塞节庆祝活动将与去年一样,我们将在 旧汤申俱乐部 (新的正在建设中)旁边的场地举办卫塞节庆典。活动从星期六,5月18日持续到星期三,5月22日。


5月18日和19日:光讚地藏十王寳燈 (光灯)

5月20日和5月21日:賜醫驅邪 (赐医,加持仪式)


5月22日:卫塞节祈福,設放瑜伽燄口(施孤)和 晚上的《稱頌教主佛號儀式》

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