The MHBS Logo

What is the significance behind our logo?

Our logo represents many important beliefs:

The Swastika represents compassion and kindness.
慈善 – 慈悲,善良

The Three Coloured Rings represent impermanence of life and sufferings of mankind.
彩色圆框 :生命的无常,众生的痛苦。

The Lion represents Manjusri, the embodiment of the supreme wisdom of Buddha
狮子 :文殊菩萨 – 代表无限的智慧。

The surrounding flames of the circle slowly culminates into a bright flame, which represents the external truth and divinity (Nirvana).
火圈 : 代表真理,涅磐。

The Branch represents the Bodhi Tree.
树枝 :菩提树

The Elephant represents Samantabhadra, the embodiment of supreme compassion. He is the Lord of Truth, who represents the practice and meditation of all Buddhas.
象 :普贤菩萨- 代表无量慈悲。

The Lotus represents world peace, wellbeing and happiness of mankind.
莲花 :世界和平,快乐

The Bell represents Sangha, a sanskrit word meaning “spiritual community”. The three pillars of Buddhist teachings and philosophy are: The Buddha, The Dharma and The Sangha – the community of beings aware of the spiritual connection between all life.
钟 :僧,佛教三宝之一。