Opening Dates 2022

Just a reminder that the Shrine will not be open this Sunday. Master is on retreat for the 7th month and our next opening is Sunday, 28th August. Opening dates for the rest of the year are on our website here:


Shrine Reopening

We are happy to announce that we are now able to welcome all visitors on Shrine open days. You do not need to make an appointment in advance.

Blessings will be available between 11.30am and 12 noon, and 2 – 2.30pm.

The first opening for the Shrine after Vesak is Sunday, June 5 (then June 19, July 3, July 17). Dates through to the end of the year are in our events calendar.


We are trying to correct a situation we have had in the past where patients visiting for healing have sometimes had to wait. Therefore, all healing (only) will still be by appointment. We will contact those who register for healing prior to the open day to arrange a time and will try to make that time available on the day to minimise waiting.

For healing registration, please use this form:


我们很高心的宣布,有意探访佛堂的佛友们可以前来探访(无需提前预约)。祈福仪式将有两个阶段: 上午十一点半至十二点 和下午两点至两点半。

佛堂将在6月5日 (农历五月初八)正式开放(接着 阳历6月19日,7月3日,7月17日 ; 农历五月廿一,六月初五 和十九)。您可以透过佛堂活动日历查询更多活动细节,以及下半年佛堂的开放时段。



Master’s 2021 Deepavali Message

MHBS Deepavali 2021




虽然我们依旧无法面对面的交流,但我很开心能够这样子和大家连接 。希望大家下午都能收到,派给您和家人的黄姜饭。让我们在一起享受美食的同时,珍惜这顿饭带来的快乐,并与您周围的人一起庆祝屠妖节,一起祈福。

Deepavali is the second most important event on our Shrine’s calendar. In the Indian culture, this day represents good over evil. To us, it signifies the overcoming of our own evils of delusion and ignorance through an understanding of the truth. Our life is illuminated by the wisdom we develop as we journey along the Buddha’s path.

Follow the Way with your One Heart and help those around you. 

Let’s rejoice together on this meaningful day and pray for peace and health for all.

Although we are still unable to meet, I am delighted that we can connect via this platform and share the blessings through the food that is to be delivered to your home this very afternoon.

As we share a meal tonight, remember to cherish the joy it brings and share it with those around you.

Master’s 2021 Vesak Message

Finding Inner Peace in a Disconnected World 

Two years have passed, and the world remains disrupted. While economies have improved, it is not an easy journey ahead.

A person’s lifespan of 70-80 years is often filled with laughter, joy, sadness and pain. Every day can be an opportunity or a challenge, it depends on your heart. How we take each day as an opportunity to learn, or as an aimless day of routine, depends on our mind, our attitude.

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Without darkness there is no light. Without sadness there is no happiness.

There is no opportunity without challenge – such is the nature of our existence.

I urge you to view each day as a joyous opportunity to practice calming our heart and helping those around us. We can calm ourselves by seeking homage with the Buddha, finding solace in His compassion. At the same time, we must not forget those around us who may be in more difficult situations than us. We can pray for them, that they find peace and happiness on their journey. Be patient.

Put into practice the Buddha’s words in our daily life. Be it the basic practice of not wasting food or of meditating on emptiness. Take time to reflect and develop. Equalise your heart by treating everyone you meet as you would treat the Buddha. Be patient.





这都要看我们的内心。就像一幅画,好看不好看都被我们 “生活”的思维和态度影响。



迎接每一天的开始,我们应该练习佛陀的许许多多劝语 –从基本的生活小事开始- 不浪费食物到 沉思心经里的 “色 空,空 色,色 空,空 色”的道理。

时时刻刻要自我反省,训练一心。 就如我们对待佛陀一样的心, 互相尊重。学习成为更好的自己。


2021 Moh Hong Buddhist Shrine Digital Vesak

You are invited you to join the Shrine via Zoom for a day of observance and prayer for world peace and recovery from the pandemic.

Vesak Day (26th May 2021)
9.00 am Offering of Oil Lamps
10.00 am Offering of Incense and Five Gifts
10.10 am Incantation of the Five Sutras for Peace & Health to all
10.45 am Incantation of the Three Praises to Buddha Shakyamuni
11.15 am Incantation of the Heart Sutra
11.30 am Message from Spiritual Master
11.45 am End
3.00 pm Vesak bag collection at various locations
We will be using Zoom platform for this purpose.


早上9点: 供奉光明灯
早上10点: 供奉沉香,祈求世界和平,国泰明安。
早上1010: 称颂堂歌(五首)
早上1045: 称颂佛号(三首)
早上1115: 称颂心经
早上1130: 师父训词
早上1145: 节目结束
下午3点: 领取供奉后的花果包

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 818 7826 4649
Passcode: 540475
One tap mobile
+6531651065,,81878264649#,,,,540475# Singapore +6531587288,,81878264649#,,,,540475# Singapore
Dial by your location
+65 3165 1065 Singapore
+65 3158 7288 Singapore
Meeting ID: 818 7826 4649
Passcode: 540475
Find your local number:

Master’s 2020 Vesak Message

晚安。 大家都好吗?



接下来大家一起一心向佛,把精神,注意力转向佛祖,发出菩堤心, 祈求世界和平,国泰明安,病情早日得到控制。

Good evening. I hope everyone is keeping well.

This year’s Vesak is very different. While we are unable to gather physically to mark this very important day, coming online offers its own benefit. We are able to reflect on this day in the comfort of your own home.

Please take care of yourselves during this pandemic. Be patient, remain calm. When the time is right, we will meet again.

Happy Vesak!

In the next hour or so, let us with one heart, place our concentration exclusively on the Buddha as we develop our bodhicitta through praying for global peace and containment of this pandemic.

Deepavali, Saturday Nov 14, 2020

With COVID-19 guidelines still in place, the Shrine will not be open for Deepavali this year. We do have two activities that we hope everyone will (virtually) come together for.


Similar to our Vesak celebration, we welcome everyone to join us on Zoom for prayers and chanting.

Prayers start at 10am. You can join us at this Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 817 5852 6389
Passcode: 109410
One tap mobile
+6531651065,,81758526389#,,,,,,0#,,109410# Singapore
+6531587288,,81758526389#,,,,,,0#,,109410# Singapore

Immediately following the prayers, Master will address us all and there will be time afterwards to give her our personal Deepavali greetings.


This year, let’s come together to enjoy a meal cooked with love in the MHBS kitchen.

Similar to our “Food on Friday” month, we will be delivering (Vegetarian) Mutton Biriyani to members for Deepavali.

All members are welcome to participate. You can do that by registering with this form.

Tell us how many packets you need for your household. Delivery time is between 3pm and 6pm.





Meeting ID: 817 5852 6389
Passcode: 109410
One tap mobile
+6531651065,,81758526389#,,,,,,0#,,109410# Singapore
+6531587288,,81758526389#,,,,,,0#,,109410# Singapore




与我们“Food on Friday”相似,我们将为佛堂会员们提供素食羊肉黄姜饭套餐(Biriyani),一同庆祝屠妖节。



Keminyan & Charcoal

keminyan $20 per 100g tin
self-igniting compressed charcoal 2 packets (2 x 10 pieces) $5

A new supply of keminyan has arrived so we’ve added it to our pickup order form.

We also have a new product available — self-igniting compressed charcoal.

  • easy to light
  • lasts for about 30 minutes
  • 10 pieces in a pack
  • 2 packs for $5

Light one, leave for about 5 minutes and once it turns grey, add your keminyan and you are ready to smoke your house. One disk is all you will need.

Keminyan and charcoal can be ordered with our pickup form here:

甘蜜香每盒 $20 (100g)
自燃压缩木炭2包 $5(2 x 10件)



  • 轻易点燃
  • 续燃30分钟
  • 每包10件
  • 2包 $5



Traditional Home-Baked Mooncakes

We’re now taking orders for our traditional home-baked mooncakes (my favourite!). They are baked with love by Elaine.

These are boxes of 8 mini mooncakes and they come in either plain lotus paste ($25) or lotus paste ($28) with salted egg yolk.

Order now and have them delivered from 2nd September. Delivery for the baked mooncakes is FREE.

Payment is cash-on-delivery, but we will make other arrangements with you if you are sending them as a gift.

You can order using the same form at

We still have durian mooncakes too. Delivery of those is free if you order 4 boxes or more ($8 for less) and every box comes with a lovely chiller bag.

Thank you for supporting our fund raising efforts for the Moh Hong Buddhist Shrine Building Fund!

Please forward this message to any of your friends who might be interested.

您可以在 预定,所有手工传统月饼一律免运费。



MHBS Mooncakes 2020

This year we have two ranges of mooncakes to offer to aid our Building Fund.

We will announce the baked mooncakes shortly, but our durian snow-skins are already available for order.

They are handsomely packaged, and each box of 4 large mooncakes comes with a gold chiller bag.

They are $68.80 per box.

Delivery is a fixed $8 if you order less than 4 boxes or free for 4 boxes or more. Delivery to homes is in the evening, or to offices during the daytime.

With 4 boxes of mooncakes you will also get a free box of Mao Shan Wang durian mochi, which are like small snow-skin mooncakes. There are 8 mochi in a box.

Boxes of mochi are available separately for $15.80. There is a free cooler bag with every 4 boxes of mochi.

We will be selling these mooncakes and mochi while stocks last. You are welcome to order now and arrange delivery closer to Mid-Autumn (1st October).

To order, fill out the form here.



A套: 一盒榴莲冰皮月饼(四个)+ 免费一个保鲜冷冻包(金色) = $68.80
B 套: 一盒猫山王榴莲麻吉(mochi – 类似冰皮月饼)(八个) = $15.80
Delivery邮费 = $8

1. 凡购买四盒榴莲冰皮月饼(4 x A套),赠送一盒猫山王榴莲麻吉(1 x B套),也将获得免费邮费。
2. 凡购买四盒猫山王麻吉(4 x B 套),赠送一个保鲜冷冻包。

