Master’s 2015 Vesak Message – 50th Anniversary

This year marks the fiftieth anniversary for Moh Hong Buddhist Shrine. We asked our Master to share with us her thoughts on this milestone and her theme of “With one heart, we cherish The Way” (一心珍惜正道).

今年,巫峰佛堂将迎来建立50周年庆典。为此我们尊请师父分享迈入重大的里程碑和今年主题 :一心珍惜正道的想法和心得。

On this, she says: “Fifty years is hard to come by. Many of you have been travelling with me on this journey; walking alongside each other for this time. We should cherish(珍惜)this moment; cherish this opportunity, cherish our journey on “the Way (正道)” with the one heart (一心).


Eight years ago, many of you asked to learn more about our philosophy, so I decided to share the crux of the Middle Way by working bits and bites of philosophy into Vesak. The concept of “theme” that was developed each year was the start of my lessons for you.


I taught you to train yourself by first taming your heart – to balance your heart, to treat everyone, including the Buddha, with the same “heart”. My example to you was that one should not treat family any different from non-family.

我教大家,要训练自己,就必须先修心 – 让自己的心平衡,不管是佛或众生,皆以平等心待之。我给大家举了个例子,就是我们对待家人和外人,态度做法都必须一致无二。

When you begin to accept this fundamental value and abandon the attitude of treating people differently; the journey begins. While I did not expect you to achieve this one heart over just one Vesak, planting this seed of thought into you was sufficient so you may continue to train yourself while learning the next quality – that of cherishment.

如果你开始接受这一基本的道理,不再以不同的态度分别对待不同的人,那你已经开始自己的学佛之旅了。当然,我并不期望大家在一个卫塞节内就了解一心的真谛。不过,只要种下佛理的种子,你就能继续自我训练修习下一步 – 珍惜。

Cherishment is another fundamental value that we must all cultivate before we can begin to appreciate the greater details that is contained within The Way (i.e. the Middle Way).


It is with the value of cherishment, embodied within a singular heart, that we can begin to appreciate the nature of this life. And from mindfulness through the practice of meditation, we begin to unravel the true nature of this being. Understanding that form and non-form (emptiness) are not separate opposing ends, but are of the same thing. Form is emptiness and emptiness is form.


Such duality is the underlying nature of the five shankas (五蕴), or aggregates, that make up what we perceive as, the physical “being”–i.e. form, feelings, perception, violations, and consciousness.


In 2012 Vesak, the theme was The Way and you learnt about mediation, meditating on the concept of non-self.


So this year, being our 50th year, it would be most apt for us to regroup what we have learnt so far, and I offer to you this theme to dwell on. “With the one heart, we cherish The Way”. Through the values of the one heart and cherishment we can begin to understand the Middle Way.


Starting this Vesak, and for the 365 days that follow, I hope you will continue to reflect on this. I have selected a new chant – “The Heart Sutra” (心经) for you to learn and appreciate this fundamental nature of being – that of the duality within the five aggregates.


Happy Vesak 2015.
