Master’s 2021 Vesak Message

Finding Inner Peace in a Disconnected World 

Two years have passed, and the world remains disrupted. While economies have improved, it is not an easy journey ahead.

A person’s lifespan of 70-80 years is often filled with laughter, joy, sadness and pain. Every day can be an opportunity or a challenge, it depends on your heart. How we take each day as an opportunity to learn, or as an aimless day of routine, depends on our mind, our attitude.

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Without darkness there is no light. Without sadness there is no happiness.

There is no opportunity without challenge – such is the nature of our existence.

I urge you to view each day as a joyous opportunity to practice calming our heart and helping those around us. We can calm ourselves by seeking homage with the Buddha, finding solace in His compassion. At the same time, we must not forget those around us who may be in more difficult situations than us. We can pray for them, that they find peace and happiness on their journey. Be patient.

Put into practice the Buddha’s words in our daily life. Be it the basic practice of not wasting food or of meditating on emptiness. Take time to reflect and develop. Equalise your heart by treating everyone you meet as you would treat the Buddha. Be patient.





这都要看我们的内心。就像一幅画,好看不好看都被我们 “生活”的思维和态度影响。



迎接每一天的开始,我们应该练习佛陀的许许多多劝语 –从基本的生活小事开始- 不浪费食物到 沉思心经里的 “色 空,空 色,色 空,空 色”的道理。

时时刻刻要自我反省,训练一心。 就如我们对待佛陀一样的心, 互相尊重。学习成为更好的自己。
