Master’s 2017 Vesak Message – Mindfulness


Master reiterated that mindfulness is about being aware of the present moment; conscious of the action you are performing, the things you are saying, and thoughts running through your mind. For example, when you are preparing a meal, you must be mindful of the sharp edges of the knives and scissors as you use them. You do not let your mind wonder or when you not mindful, you could slice your finger. When that happens you become aware of disconnect between your mind and your body; you are quickly brought back to awareness, back to the very present moment. Don’t wait till accidents happen before you become aware. In the same way, being mindful is important in our daily life.

师父再次重申正念是让你意识到当下的事物;对所做出的言行举动,思想活动有所认知。例如当你在做饭时,你会注意到菜刀和剪刀的锋利,因此会小心使用。你不会让自己出神,而是专心切菜,避免切伤手指。 反之,当你开始出神,你已经脱离对当下环境的认知,而在受伤后,你因感觉到痛处而又迅速地回到当下。不要等到意外发生后才有所觉悟。同样的,正念在我们的日常生活中尤其重要。

We can be extremely mindful when we pay a game of cards, but that is not the mindfulness we want to develop. What the Buddha wants us to do as we practice right mindfulness is to train our mind to be in the present moment, aware of our actions, speech and thoughts non-judgmentally. This is part of the training of gaining insight and wisdom.


Being present in the moment is increasingly difficult in this day and age. Many of us go about our daily routine without thinking. We continue to divorce our mind from the present moment with lots of gadgets, games, social media, and entertainment programs that we carry on our phone. We forget that there is so much to learn in every step we take on journey through life. Before we know it, we are at a critical point and what have we done?


Be aware of the cloudiness of our mind and its fleeting and shifting nature. It is never quiet nor at peace, constantly seeking to find happiness through external gratification from material gain; which never fulfills. True happiness comes from the mind; remember that contentment is the greatest wealth. I urge you to practice mindfulness, develop a mind that is always aware of the present moment, of our actions, speech and thoughts. There is no later in life, do it now.

我们无法静下心来,一直通过追逐外在物质享受来满足心灵上的空虚。我们没有意识到思想中的激流其实是浑浊红尘中的过眼云烟。真正的快乐来自我们的心。请记住,知足才是真正的财富,这是放之四海而皆准的普遍真理。 我吁请大家修习正念冥想,开启你对当下事物的认知,一直意识到当下的环境,言行举止,思想思维。日月逝矣,岁不我与。 我们必须今天就决定培养对当下的觉知,今天就开始修习。

As we develop our mind through right concentration, our understanding of the true nature of our existence will become increasingly clear; you will achieve a higher state of awareness and understanding of the true nature of life.


Practice and apply mindfulness to your daily actions, speech and thought. Stop the fleeting mind and listen to your own footstep, your own breath, your own speech and your thoughts. Is this how you want to lead for the remainder of your life? Right mindfulness and cherishing with a one heart, they would help you to slowly unleash your understanding of the concept of emptiness as you journey on the Way.
