Master’s 2018 Vesak Message – Right Concentration

Right Meditation 正定

“When meditating, focus on the Buddha. In your heart, remember to put others before self. Nothing is inherently good and nothing is inherently bad, such is the emptiness of this existence.” Master, 2018


What is meditation? 静坐是什么?

Meditation is getting the mind to focus and become familiar, thoroughly, with a virtuous object such as the Buddha, concepts of emptiness, impermanence, compassion, renunciation.

静坐是指集中思绪,让心灵彻底认识象征纯洁的事物,如佛陀﹑“缘起性空” ﹑“无常”﹑“恻隐之心”与“舍弃”等概念。

There are two types of mediation – analytical and placement meditation.

静坐分为两类:分析性冥想 (analytical mediation) 和安置冥想 (placement meditation)。

We use analytical meditation to help us comprehend and develop deeper realisation of concepts. For example, one heart. You can meditate on why it’s important to have an one-heart. Everyone seeks happiness just like you. We all seek shelter from rain, food and water to quell our hunger and thirst. But yet we often think we deserve more than another person, or my happiness is more important than yours because I worked harder and longer. In reality, this is a wrong view. Everyone feels the same way like you. Because there are so many others, their happiness ought to be more important that one single individual you. You may argue you have family, but so do they. By sheer number, there are more others out there than there is one you, so on this basis, the happiness of others are more important than just your own. By looking at world this way, you can slowly shift your mindset to put others before self, and slowly treating them equally.

分析性冥想能够让我们理解并进一步意识到“一心”等诸多概念。 你可以通过静坐,探索拥有一心的重要性。人们都在寻找快乐﹑寻找避风港﹑寻找温饱。然而,我们却经常觉得自己比别人值得拥有更多,或认为因为自己比别人工作得更努力﹑更多,所以自己的快乐比他人的快乐重要。这其实是错误的理念。事实上,大家都有同样的想法。“我”只不过是渺小的个人,而“他”则是无数的他人,他人的快乐自然比自我的快乐来得重要。你可能反驳说自己有家人,但他人何尝没有?其它不谈,就论人数,你只不过是一个人,比起成千上万的他人,你的快乐,当然比不上他人的快乐。若以这个角度看待事物,你就可逐渐调整理念,以他人为先,平等对待他人。

We analytically meditate on this reasoning until the spontaneous feeling of warmness and the desire to want to practice treating everyone with one heart arises, we then meditate single pointedly on that sensation – this is placement meditation. We hold onto this practice for as long as we can, and when we lose it, we restart again going through analytical meditation and then placement meditation.

以此道理分析性冥想,直到你能够发自内心地感受到恻隐之心,以及一心公平对待每个人的热忱。这时,你将能一心一意针对这种感觉静坐,这就是所谓的“安置冥想”。尽量保持这种冥想状态 ,一旦失去了,我们则可重新开始分析性冥想,再达到安置冥想状态 。

Why meditate? 为何静坐?

The world you are familiar with is perceived through your brain. A good mind will perceive the external environment as blissful and loving. A poor mind perceives the same environment as being sad and unloving. The very same mind that perceives the world as friendly one day, may see it differently at another. Through training the mind, our view of our existence and the experiences that come along, begins to shift. Meditation is an important part of our practice.


Over the last few years, you have been introduced to some broad concepts of our shrine’s practices and philosophy. I tasked you to dwell on and practice these basic concepts of one heart, cherishment, mindfulness and right intentions. These practices are fundamental in developing right concentration which is my task for you over the next two years.


These concepts and thoughts I have shared are not necessarily sequential. You can and should revisit the earlier concepts even when new ones are introduced. Sometimes these new concepts could help you gain better understanding and insights to the earlier ones.


One heart in meditation 正定在一心中

We keep coming back to the one heart, because it is the axiom of the entire practice. The heart has to be impartial, without favouritism or prejudice. It is through this single pointedness of heart that you practice right meditation. Likewise through right concentration, you will develop the right understanding of one heart. They are interrelated, one reinforcing the other.


To put it simply, you first focus your mind single pointedly on the Buddha, visualise Him and not have other thought interfere. If they appear, simply let them pass. Keep meditating on this for as long as you can. If you lose visual, don’t panic, just step back and restart. The mind, like many other parts of your body, needs practice. As a child, your teacher taught you to write and you kept practicing until one day you are able to firmly hold your pencil and write neatly. The mind is no different. It needs to be trained. But alas, we often allow our mind to dwell on non-virtuous thoughts like critiquing others, rather than self-reflection or developing right concentration.


Meditate to understand why you should train to have only ”one heart“. It is through an impartial heart, the one that treats everyone equally, no biases, no hidden agenda, no special interests, that you can single-pointedly begin to understand the true nature of this existence – and perceive emptiness. You may understand emptiness intellectually, but only through meditation on emptiness will you gain a deeper realisation.


“With a mindful, cherishing, single pointed heart that harbours good intention, we meditate on emptiness so that we can gain a true realisation and understanding of this existence.”
